The TDP – YCP war has reached the centre. TDP MPs have met Union Home Minister Amit Shah and complained him about the law and order issue in the state. Galla Jayadev, Rammohan Naidu, Kanakamedala Ravindra Kumar, Thota Sitaramalakshmi have met Amit Shah in his chamber in the parliament and complained that YCP government is indulging in violence and imposing false cases on TDP leaders, workers. The TDP MPs told Home Minister that the human rights are being grossly violated in Andhra Pradesh.
“They are attacking TDP workers, leaders and in return booking false cases against the very TDP workers, leaders. CM Jagan is pressurising police officials to book TDP leaders without any reason. Our party leaders are being harassed. Democracy is being murdered. There are no human rights in AP,” TDP MPs told Amit Shah appealing him to intervene.
According to media reports, Amit Shah has given assurance to TDP MPs that he is aware of the condition in AP and reportedly assured them that he would look into the matter. TDP MPs have also told Union Home Minister Amit Shah that they would visit him once again with details about CM Jagan’s corruption and atrocities in the state. Interestingly, Amit Shah has told TDP MPs that they could meet him anytime. TDP MPs are happy with the receiving of Amit Shah.