Ahead of the big rally planned by the Telangana JAC on Wednesday, police have arrested the JAC Chairman Kodandaram from his residence in the wee hours and shifted him to an undisclosed place. The information on his whereabouts is still unknown.
As per the official statement of Kodandaram’s wife Sushila, police broke open the door of their house and detained her husband when he was sleeping. She lodged a complaint with the City Police Commissioner Mahendar Reddy demanding for the disclosure of the details of the whereabouts of her husband. She also tried to meet Governor ESL Narasimhan but the latter was not available at his official residence, Raj Bhavan.
Protesting the arrest of their leader, the students called for bandh of all educational institutions. Telangana Congress leaders Uttam Kumar Reddy and Jeevan Reddy strongly condemned the arrest of Kodandaram.
The rally was planned to be organized with the support of all the unemployed youth of the state against the government for its delay in issuing notification for nearly one lakh govt. jobs.