The Hyderabad police who are investigating the death of former Speaker Kodela Siva Prasad Rao has found that his personal phone is missing. Lastly, Kodela had talked to a person for over 20 minutes and from Monday evening, his phone was switched off.
Who is the person with whom Kodela spoke and how did the phone go missing? The police are probing the case in this angle and are also examining the call data of Kodela and they might question all the persons with whom Kodela spoke before breathing his last.
Meanwhile, Kodela’s son Sivaram has returned from Kenya. A while back he landed in Gannavaram airport and he was received by TDP leaders. The media tried to get in touch with Sivaram but he refused to comment and stated that this is not the right time for him to comment. Despite the rain, the corpse of Kodela is being shifted to Sathenapalli.