The star batsman and India Cricket captain Virat Kohli surpassed his predecessors Tendulkar and Dhoni in clinching advertisement deals. Kohli has become the first Indian sportsperson signed a Rs 100-crore endorsement deal with a single brand.
Kohli signed agreement with international sports lifestyle brand Puma as brand ambassador for eight years. In lieu , the company would pay Rs 110 crore as remuneration to the cricket player. He would be one among other global ambassadors for the brand. Jamaican sprinters Usain Bolt and Asafa Powell, footballers Thierry Henry and Oliver Giroud were the present ambassadors for the German company.
In 2013, Kohli had signed a Rs 30-crore deal for three-years with sports goods giant Adidas. After the end of the contract , the cricketer signed such a big contract with a multinational company – Puma in his career.