Popular journalist Kommineni Srinivasarao joined Sakshi group. After working for 30 years of vivid experience in journalism and association with top media houses like Eenadu, Andhra Jyothy, TV5 and NTV in crucial roles, Kommineni resigned at NTV as political editor to join Sakshi group.
Kommineni got more popular with KSR live Show on NTV, There were several allegations from TDP supporters that Kommineni extends great support and coordination to YSRC leaders on his live show. Now his professional journey at Sakshi needs to be mentioned as a fresh start, as this becomes his first ever job with a group that does not belong to his caste.
We have to see how Kommineni will be able to survive in Jagan’s media and how he will stand upon his independent principles, when he is working in a channel that owns a political party