Time and again, rumours are spun about Mahesh Babu and Koratala Siva’s movie and our director is patient enough to give clarity about them. This time as industry is abuzz that sexy heroine Shruti Haasan has walked out of the project after shooting for a schedule, Koratala took the mantle again to whip them off. “Shruti Haasan is very much part of the movie. Finished a nice schedule with her and shooting again from December 10th”, said Koratala Siva, clearing the air.
“Where does these gossips start from?”, he expressed his dismay. As talks have come out that Shruti Haasan is joining the shoot of Nagarjuna-Karthi multi-starrer film from December, probably rumour mills might have predicted that she could have walked out of Mahesh’s movie. Fine, with the captain himself giving clarity there is no space for gossip now.