Few days ago, a civil court in Hyderabad issued notices to Koratala Siva and the makers of Srimanthudu on a complaint by a person, Sekhar Chandra who alleged that the film story was copied from his story published in Swathi Magazine few years ago which later came as a novel. He also filed a complaint with the Film Writers Association on the same.
Koratala clarified about this in an interview, “I am a writer myself and will always respect the work of other writers. Srimanthudu has released already and his novel is also in public domain. I should not talk more about it as it is in the court”. Film Writters Association member, Parchuri Gopala Krishna also declined to comment but said the association will give its opinion if the court asks for.
According to a source, Srimanthudu is about village adoption but the complainant’s story does not have the mention of the word, ‘adopt’. The next hearing of the case is posted to March First Week. Srimanthudu is the biggest non-Baahubali hit. The complainant is also demanding a ban on the film remake until the case is resolved.