Blockbuster director Koratala Siva may not teamed up with Ram Charan for their own reasons, however, Koratala would soon be directing Allu Arjun. Going by highly-placed sources, after the release of his film with Mahesh – Bharat Ane Nenu, Koratala will collaborate with Bunny. It’s heard that Allu Arjun has already given his nod and a formal announcement would come in May.
Be it Mirchi or Srimanthudu or Janatha Garage, all the three have delivered much-needed hits to the respective stars. This made Koratala one of the most sought after directors in Telugu joining the likes of Rajamouli, Boyapati, Trivikram and etc.
After BAN, Koratala will take a break where he would fine tune the script he has for Allu Arjun. Meanwhile, Allu Arjun’s Naa Peru Surya too would be released and Bunny too would get ready to work with Koratala.
Though Koratala was supposed to work with Charan, the film got shelved after its puja ceremony. While both Koratala and Charan openly maintaining that they’re ready to work with each other, looks like, it is taking time.