After delivering two back-to-back blockbusters with Mirchi and Srimanthudu, writer-director Koratala Siva is currently the most sought after director in Tollywood. With Srimanthudu make a huge splash across south, even top Bollywood production houses have been trying to get his nod to direct a film for them.
It is already known that Srimanthdu will be remade in Hindi and handsome hunk Hrithik Roshan and young hero Varun Dhawan are said to be the front-runners to grab the offer. As per the latest reports, a top Bollywood banner is in talks with Koratala Siva to helm the Hindi remake. If the project materializes, Siva will join the league of south directors making a cut in Bollywood.
However, there is still enough time for the director to take a final call as he is currently busy with Janatha Garage with NTR. If everything goes well, Siva’s Bollywood debut will be in the second half of 2016. Apparently, Siva holds a decent share of Srimanthudu’s remake rights, while the Mythri Movie Makers hold 25% rights.