Senior actor Kota Srinivasa Rao has responded on the rumours surrounding his health. Responding to some rumours on digital platforms such as YouTube stating that he is in critical condition, Kota has called on media on Friday and quashed all the rumours. He made it clear that he is fine and doing alright.
He has fired on the YouTube channels that tried to spread maligning rumours about him and his health causing a lot of stress, pain for him as many of his well-wishers have called and inquired about his health.
Not long ago, the Movie Artistes Association (MAA) has lodged complaints against a few YouTube channels and their owners for spreading rumours on the personal life of several actors especially female actors. MAA has seriously taken up the issue and filed complaint with the Cyber Crime and a Bangalore-based YouTube channel owner was subsequently arrested in October.
The issue of Kota has once again come as a shocker.