Veteran Tollywood actress Kovai Sarala, renowned for her comedic timing, recently sparked amusement online with a lighthearted remark during a media interview. The 62-year-old actress, known for her single status, playfully declared popular actor Allu Arjun as her ideal husband if given the chance.
While Sarala might not be a household name for all South Indian audiences, her comedic talent has earned her a dedicated fanbase. Though her film appearances have become less frequent in recent times, her recent roles in the Tamil film “Aranmai 4” and the Telugu film “Baak” have been met with positive reception.
A clip from the interview, featuring popular comedian Ali as the host, has gone viral on social media. Ali’s query regarding Sarala’s single status prompted her playful response. While clearly stating her disinterest in marriage at present, she humorously named Allu Arjun, a current Tollywood heartthrob, as her choice in a hypothetical scenario.
It is evident that Sarala’s comment is intended as a lighthearted joke, a playful nod to Allu Arjun’s immense popularity within the industry. This playful exchange between the veteran actress and the host has undeniably captured the internet’s attention, demonstrating that a bit of fun transcends age barriers.