The Karnataka State Cricket Association (KSCA), after vigorous research and technical evaluation has decided to install the next-generation subsurface aeration and vacuum-powered drainage system from SubAir at Chinnaswamy Stadium (Bangalore) making it the first ever installation of SubAir Systems for Cricket stadiums worldwide.The SubAir system will automatically kick into action the minute it starts raining and thereby not allowing any buildup of water on the outfield and it quickly removes the standing water by virtually eliminating the need for extended game delays or cancellations due to wet outfield conditions.
The SubAir Sport System would also provide the curators at Chinnaswamy Stadium the ability to promote healthier, stronger, and safer turf with its aeration function that operates round the clock and thereby minimizing the turf diseases, algae, excessive thatch and black layer.
The SubAir system will acquire data from all over the field through embedded wireless sensors and then appropriate corrective action will be taken by keeping the field healthy and in optimal conditions by fostering stronger roots and turf.