Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao has asked his son and state IT and Industries minister KT Rama Rao and his nephew and Irrigation minister T Harish Rao to work hard to reach the next goal in their political career.Following reports that KTR will be ‘heir apparent’ to KCR, the TRS Supremo instructed the duo to concentrate more on serving people instead of falling prey to the rumors spread by opposition parties on the change of leadership. He reportedly told the two leaders performance is the only indicator to gain people’s confidence.
Similarly, KCR developed new strategy to promote competitive leadership after he succeeded in bringing all important leaders from TDP and some MLAs from Congress brought into his fold.For instance, in Warangal district, KCR asked Dayakar Rao to take up the party cudgels and strengthen the party besides Srihari was given prominent place in KCR’s cabinet. “The CM’s plan is to promote as many as leaders in every district to check the dominance of a few leaders in party as well as in the government.”
In Khammam district, besides utilizing the services of senior leader and minister Tummala Nageswara Rao, the newly joined YSR Congress (Telangana unit) President P Srinivasa Reddy and Congress MLA P Ajay were tipped to be future leaders of the party in the district.