As pledged by him the other day, TRS President K Chandrasekhar Rao’s son K Taraka Ramarao has lodged a defamation suit on ABN Andhrajyothy news channel and news paper. He lodged a petition in Nampally Court in connection with this.
Earlier ABN channel and newspaper published reports that apparently stated that KTR was involved in land settlements and also stressed that they have full proofs of the happenings including KTR’s involvement. TRS leaders however responded to this story saying both TDP chief Naidu and ABN MD Radhakrishna joined hands to malign the chances of TRS in the region. ABN channel however welcomed the decision taken by KTR and confirmed that they are ready to provide supporting evidences for their story. We have to see the ‘turning points’ of this issue now.
Responding the petition lodged by KTR, Nampally court has adjourned the hearing for tomorrow. Maybe ABN and Radha Krishna will be directed to file a counter petition against the allegation.