Telangana Industries and IT Minister KT Rama Rao has got a big surprise. He has been invited to attend the two day annual conference of the World Economic Forum (WEF) to be held from January 17 at Davos in Switzerland.
Generally, the Forum invite only union ministers and Chief Ministers to the annual conferences. It was first time that a minister from a state government was invited to the big conference in the world.
In a communication, the WEF informed KTR that it was overwhelmed by successful conduct of World Entrepreneurship Summit (WES) in Hyderabad recently.
Taking it an opportunity, the minister will hold meetings with CEO and chairmen of the world companies and explain the business prospects in Telangana. He will showcase Telangana as a destination for investments and explain incentives provided by the government through TS-iPASS policy. State Resident Commissioner in New Delhi Arvind Kumar and IT secretary Jayesh Ranjan also take part in the meeting.