Municipal Administration and Urban Development Minister KT Rama Rao surprised one and all on Monday by stopping by at a GHMC food centre in Shapur Nagar, Jeedimetla. KTR had Rs 5 meal, the government’s brainchild initiative. Earlier in the day, KTR had paid a surprise visit in Sri Nagar Colony following news reports that commuters facing severe problems with the road work being stopped midway.
The road stretch between Ameerpet and Panjagutta is under repair as it has been dug up for laying underground electric cables by the Souther Power Distribution Company Ltd. However, the work was stopped midway by officials of GHMC expecting the arrival of monsoon. Due to this vehicles had to slow down on the busy road leading to traffic jam. And the woes of commuters go up when it’s rained.KTR took note of this situation and ordered GHMC officials to rectify it as early as possible.