The much talked about ‘Kumari 21 F’ which received unique ratings from all the so called top critics in Tollywood finally is coming under the hammer. Kust like director SS Rajamouli and other writers who just copy or inspire from various episodes or scenes or threads from foreign language films, Sukumar is nothing different.
Our International cinema followers have floored in few references from where Sukku really copied or say inspired to make or pen ‘Kumari 21 F.’ Whilst the basic plot is largely taken from 2004 French film ‘Lila Says,’ the climax of Raj Tharun punishing his three losers friends is directly lifted from 2009 Argentine Crime Thriller film ‘The Secret In Their Eyes.’
Well, there is nothing much to admonish Sukku because he is a proven skilled writer. Bringing in Telugu nativity is the only best he does for originals because ‘Kumari 21 F’ stands nowhere near to the original classics, said a thorough world cinema follower. Now, Sukumar might have to answer them in coming up press meets and success meets. Sukumar himself being a follower of pedagogic principles, how he forgot to give due respect and credits for the originals?