Speaking to the media here on Thursday, Yashki said AICC general secretary and State Congress Affairs in-charge Ghulam Nabi Azad’s statement was the result of the Seemandhra gang’s threat to the Congress high command at the instance of Dr KVP. He also reiterated that Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy was also a staunch integrationist.
Stating that the people of the Telangana region would not be satisfied with the announcements and indications, he felt the process of creation of separate Telangana State would begin before 2014 elections. He also said they would intensify the Telangana movement. He said that Azad’s remarks were due to the lack of unity among the Telangana leaders.
Faulting TRS Chief K Chandrasekhara Rao’s statement that the dream of the people for separate State would be realized only when TRS wins 100 MLA seats and 15 MP seats, Yashki said creation of separate Telangana would be possible when the T leaders keep their flags and agendas aside rather than by the TRS winning more seats. He said creation of separate Telangana State was only possible with the national parties like the BJP and Congress. He said the Telangana Congress leaders would achieve separate Telangana State even though the Seemandhra leaders had succeeded in getting the decision on Telangana issue postponed temporarily.
The Nizamabad MP said all political parties have to form as Telangana Front to achieve separate Telangana State. He opined that the TRS may create troubles to the Centre by winning more seats but the TMC and DMK parties may also obstruct creation of separate Telangana State.