KVP.Rama Chandra Rao was the close associate and a best friend to late Y.S.Raja Sekhar reddy. Recently senior congress leader and Rajya Sabha member V.Hanumantha rao has made comments on KVP alleging that though working in Congress, he is supporting YSR CP. He suggested other leaders to identify weather KVP is doing good or bad to the party and he is even misleading the high command. Even warned, that CM should be beware of people like KVP who are playing double game in the party.
In the time of last elections, KVP has given tickets to outsiders who are their kins and friends who degraded the party, raged Hanumantha Rao. He even commented that, KVP is a psycho. He is helping Jagan in the name of a united state. Why couldn’t he stop the leaders who are leaving the party? Hanumantha rao questioned. In this context, he reminded of the past that, KVP collected the signatures of few leaders in the favor of separate Telangana and had a clash with Diwakar reddy followed by KVP’s explanation that “In order to fight against Chandra babu, this lobbying is necessary” in contrary to his current hypocrisy.