Rana Daggubati one of the most eligible bachelors in Telugu film industry is going to tie knot very soon. He has recently revealed that he is going to marry Miheeka Bajaj very soon. The other day, engagement too happened without much noise, following government guidelines. However many have no idea, who is Miheeka Bajaj and how their love story started etc.,
Lakshmi Manchu yesterday evening has conducted an Instagram live session with Rana Daggubati. This live session has revealed many interesting details about Rana’s love story and marriage.
Lakshmi Manchu straight to the point asked “Who is Miheeka and from how long he knows her”, for that Rana Daggubati has answered that Miheeka is Asritha’s classmate. Asrita is Venkatesh’s elder daughter. Both Rana and Miheeka knows each other from very long but their love story started just before lock down announced.
For the question, what was their parent’s reaction, Rana said that they have been waiting for this news from so long. They wanted me to get married. When I said the news to them, they are shocked with happiness. It is the same reaction I got, when I proposed to Miheeka. She too was in instant shock with happiness. After that moment she said yes.
Rana also is not sure when his marriage will take place in what circumstances considering the current situation. Overall Rana and his family are more than happy with this news. That’s all matters in the end.