Talented daughter of Mohan Babu, Lakshmi Manchu is all set to begin one more film after a brief break. The new project will start with a formal launch on 20th of this month. Lakshmi will be seen in the role of a Judge who strives for judge. The film will go on floors in the next month.
As per the plan now, the makers are planning to complete the entire shoot in a single schedule. The complete shooting will happen in Hyderabad itself. The makers will come with all the details of the crew and cast on the launch day.
The makers say the movie is a thriller comedy and will appeal to all sections of the audeince. Karthikeya Gopala Krishna is directing the film. He previously directed Sadhyam with Jagapathi Babu and Vasool Raja with Navadeep .
Vella Mounika Chandrasekhar and Uma Lakshmi Narasimha are producing the film on their Udhbhav Productions Banner. More details of this project later