It is a known fact that late CM NTR’s wife Lakshmi Parvathy and Chandra Babu do not see eye to eye with each other. Babu along with family members dethroned NTR as he feared her to take over the reigns of the party after NTR.Now Lakshmi Parvathy created a sensation announcing bounty of Rs 10 lakhs to people whoever finds Babu and tie him to a tree there during CBN’s padayatra.
Elaborating more on this, she said CBN is roaming scot free making use of the loopholes in the country’s judiciary. She alleged that while NTR bought TDP to power after going on state wide tour in 1994, CBN with in six months dethroned him, cheating him to the core and becoming CM.CBN during the coup used all his manipulative skills and managed to keep his folk together and even pulled few more to become CM. Lakshmi Parvathi is thrown out of the house and after making use of NTR’s family members like Purandreeswari, Harikrishna and others, he presented the same gift like Lakshmi Parwathi.
Now it has to be seen who will take the offer and try their luck to win 10 lakhs.