Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja’s upcoming film ‘Balupu’ movie is gathering buzz every day. The latest update is that the sensuous beauty Lakshmi Rai will be making a special appearance and the rumor is that she has been signed for a whopping amount. Ravi Teja has pinned high hopes on this film as he hasn’t tasted success with his previous flicks. She last appeared beside Nandamuri Balakrishna in Adhinayakudu and is currently starring in Kodi Rama Krishna’s latest directorial, Rani Ranamma.
Shruti Hassan and Anjali are teaming up with Ravi Teja in this film. Gopichand Maleneni is directing this film. This is the second combination of Gopi and Ravi after ‘Don Seenu’. Param V Potluri is producing the film on ‘PVP Cinema’ banner. The movie is expected to hit theatres in the first week of June.