Ram Gopal Varma’s sensational film Lakshmi’s NTR is finally hitting screens tomorrow. The film has cleared all the hurdles and releasing in theaters against all odds. However, all is not well for Lakshmi’s NTR as yet.
Theater owners are reportedly receiving threats from anonymous callers threatening to destroy the theaters if they screen Lakshmi’s NTR tomorrow.
Exhibitors across Andhra Pradesh are now feared to screen the film anticipating attacks from TDP fans and followers.
Exhibitors are seeking police help to run the film without any hassles. But according to reports, police are not willing to offer protection to movie theaters as they are busy with their election campaigning duties.
Lakshmi’s NTR may not have any issues in Telangana, but it may face problems in Andhra Pradesh as the film is likely to damage the prospects of TDP and malign their leader Chandra Babu Naidu’s image to an extent.
The film may face trouble from local TDP leaders and party workers if it runs without any police protection.