We are still unable to get out of the horrific incident that took place on Wednesday in Tamil Nadu. The army chopper carrying Chief of Defence Staff Bipin Rawat, his wife Madhulika Rawat, and others crashed near Coonoor leaving 13 out of the 14 passengers dead. Only one Army personnel had managed to survive the crash, who is now undergoing treatment at the Army hospital.
Besides Bipin Rawat and his wife, his security personnel including one Lance Naik B Sai Teja also lost their lives on the unfortunate day. The 27-year-old is married and has two kids who are still under 6. His wife is a homemaker. In the middle of the tough period, Sai Teja’s family received unexpected help.
Actor-producer, Movie Artists Association (MAA) President Manchu Vishnu had extended his support to the kin of Sai Teja. Vishnu announced free education for the kids of Sai Teja and even left the choice of choosing the board for the education. He reached out to the residence of Sai Teja.
After meeting the family members, Manchu Vishnu offered his condolences and assured them that the kids of Sai Teja can study either in Sree Vidyanikethan Education Trust or any board they would like to study. This is the least I can do for the braveheart, Vishnu added.
“My heart goes out to the two little children of Lance Naik Sri. B. Sai Teja from Chittoor, who was martyred in the chopper crash along with India’s CDS Chief General Bipin Rawat, his wife and 12 defence personnel. I have approached the family and assured them of free education for both the children in the school of their choice Spring Board academy in Chittor or Vidyanikethan International school in Tirupati. This is the least I can do for the Braveheart who laid down his life in the line of duty,” MAA Chief Manchu Vishnu said in a note shared on his Twitter handle.
27-year-old Lance Naik B Sai Teja hails from Chittoor district in Andhra Pradesh. After joining the Army back in 2012, he made it to the 11 Para in four years. After rendering his services for five years in 11 Para. Sai Teja was given the post of Personal Security Officer (PSO) to Bipin Rawat.