Lavanya Tripathi is becoming hot property in Tollywood with hit after hit coming on her way. Last year it was Bhale Bhale Magadiovy that did wonders to her career and she began 2016 with another big hit with Soggade Chinni Nayana, both are entertainers.
The slender beauty is now being called golden girl. With Rakul’s films flopping, Lavanya is earning this image. In the recent times Rakul had this image but after initial two or three good hits, Rakul started delivering flops. On the other hand, Lavanya has given two hits in a row.
Unlike her contemporaries, Lavanya Tripathi is game for acting with senior actors too. She is looking equally good as a pair with a senior hero like Nagarjuna. With focus is on her now, the Tripathi girl will be signing more movies this year.