Teen sensation Lavanya Tripathi has become a sought-after-actress for gen-next stars and she is capitalizing on it. Keeping up with her raising popularity, the actress has reportedly demanded fancy pay cheque of Rs 45 lakhs to play love interest to Sai Dharam Tej in director V V Vinayak’s upcoming untitled film.
After romancing happening stars like Nani (‘Bhale Bhale Mogadivoy’), Naga Chaitanya ( ‘Yuddham Sharanam’) and Ram in ‘Unnadhi Okate Zindagi’, talented actress will be wooing mega hero Sai Dharam Tej. She is picking her roles very smartly and working with the reigning stars to become the most sought-after actress in T-town, within no time.
In terms of big films as well in remuneration, she outwits her rivals like Hebah Patel, Catherine Tresa and Raashi Khanna, to stay ahead in the race to join the big league. Apart from good looks, the actress is a bundle of talent and that is working to her advantage. Judging her raising stocks, leading producer C Kalyan, didn’t mind paying a fancy remuneration to roped her in. ‘She is signing big films without compromising on her remuneration, that indicates her soaring stocks,’ he concludes.
Despite having flops like ‘Andala Rakshasi’, she stuck to T-town and her decision is now paying her good dividends. With Gen x stars running short of younger heroines, Lavanya is the right place at right time.