For those who are worried about the legal hurdles engulfing Superstar Rajnikanth’s “Lingaa” that posed a snag for the December 12th release, could now breathe easy. As the Court dismissed the plagariasm petition against the movie, hero Rajni and director KS Ravikumar, Lingaa is set to hit cinemas on Rajnikanth’s birthday in more than 2500 screens across the globe.
Accusing that Rajni and his writer Ponn Kumaran have copied the movie ‘Mullai Vanam 999’, filmmaker KR Ravi Ratnam lodged a plagiarism petition pushing ‘Lingaa’ makers into trouble. Rajni has claimed that his movie’s story is original and after looking into all the evidences, script and all, Court has now quashed the petition lodged by Ravi Ratnam. That brings the exciting news that Superstar’s 63rd birthday on Dec 12 will see Lingaa’s release.