Bollywood legend Dilip Kumar was hospitalised on Saturday after complaining of cold and cough. The 91-yr-old veteran actor is reportedly suffering from pneumonia. However, doctors say that there is nothing to “worry” and he has been put on antibiotic treatment. Earlier this month everyone panicked when rumours about his death started doing the rounds.
At that time, Amitabh Bachchan took to his microblogging site Twitter and had posted,” Some baseless rumours being spread about Yusuf Saheb – Dilip Kumar, being ill .. Saira ji just informed me he is perfectly fine.” Well-known as the ‘King of Tragedy’, his acting career spanned six decades and over 60 films.
He essayed iconic roles in classics like ‘Devdas’, ‘Madhumati’, ‘Mughal-e-Azam’and ‘Ganga Jamuna’. Dilip Kumar along with his wife Saira made a rare public appearance at Arpita Khan’s big wedding reception in Mumbai recently.