TDP’s MLA Chinnam Ramakotayya from Nuziveedu, Krishna District in a press conference said that he is writing to Election Commission to derecognize the party for asking stalling him from using his fundamental rights given by Indian Constitution. He said after getting electing for the party from the constituency in 2009 he participated in various programs of the party but still some of his opponents started working against him since 2011.
Even when he bought it to the notice of President Chandra Babu he asked him to be patient but did not take any steps to solve the problem. He alleged that though the party has taken a decision to stay away from voting during presidential elections, he as per election norms participated and cast his vote. He said from then on there were reports that he would be suspended from the party for his voting, and when he asked Chandra Babu, till now he did not reply even to his letter. He alleged that some leaders are telling him that they would write letter to speaker seeking his disqualification.
He requested EC to derecognize the party since it is going against the rules of the constitution.