CBI has filed a memo, asking that the former ministers Sabita Indra Reddy and Dharmana Prasada Rao be sent to judicial custody. The agency argued that if the two remained out, they were likely to influence the witnesses. If the court concedes CBI’s contention, the two are likely to be arrested. Both Sabita and Dharmana, who were recently made to resign, attended the court, apart from Vijaya Sai Reddy, second accused in Jagan assets case, whose bail was recently cancelled.
Vijayamma weeps
Vijayamma, Jagan’s mother wept on seeing him. Jagan was given one hour time to talk to his family members.
Earlier, Jagan was shifted from the Chanchalguda jail to the CBI special court amid tight security. Police arranged security through out the route from the jail to the court. Jagan was shifted in a special bullet-proof vehicle. A large number of supporters of Jagan gathered both at the jail and the court and raised slogans hailing him. Police had a tough time in controlling the crowd.
Bharati fires at police
All the family members of Jagan including Vijayamma and his wife Bharati came to the court. As they were not allowed by the police into the court, Bharati expressed anger at them. She alleged that a demon’s rule was in place in the state. She said if this was their plight, the condition of ordinary people could be imagined.
Vijayamma also strongly protested against the police restrictions. She said people were beginning to wonder if they were living in a democracy. Jagan’s lawyers also protested against the attitude of the police.