Bollywood heartthrob Arjun Kapoor and ‘Lingaa’ beauty Sonakshi Sinha are all set to pay a visit to Hyderabad to promote their upcoming film Tevar, remake of Mahesh Babu’s blockbuster Okkadu. Arjun and Sonakshi will be in Hyderabad on Monday (Dec 22, 2014) where the duo address press at a star hotel in the city, said a source in the know.
The Ishaqzaade actor and Dabangg actress are going to have a detailed interaction with media. Boney Kapoor, Sanjay Kapoor and director Amit Sharma are also accompanying the lead pair. Since Tevar is due for release on January 9, 2015 on the eve of Pongal, the unit is planning to promote it in Hyderabad which has good market for Hindi films.
Sonakshi was recently in Hyderabad to promote her Lingaa which received mixed response. The daughter of Shatrughan Sinha is expected to pair up with Mahesh Babu in his upcoming film Shivam to be directed by Krish Jagarlamudi.