Superstar Rajnikanth is all set to treat his fans with a commercial potboiler albeit with a message. Owing to the failure of Vikramasimha to lure fans, the demi-god of masses has wrapped his next flick ‘Lingaa’ in record time only to serve delicious dish as soon as he can. As the trailer looks promising, one wonders about the release now.
Already, it is hugely hyped that December 12th will see ‘Lingaa’ running to full houses in theatres across the globe. Producer Rockline Venkatesh has confirmed that Lingaa will release for sure on Rajni’s birthday on December 12, but it is director KS Ravikumar’s revelations that took fans by a shock.
“Graphics of the movie is yet to be completed and we will try hard to get everything wrapped by December”, said KS Ravikumar, leaving no chances to expect the flick at any cost on Rajni’s birthday. Provided with the fact that Lingaa is full of visual effects and computer graphics due to a huge dam set to be recreated and simulate different stages of building it, it takes a real huge time. Let us hope everything finishes by December.