Nandamuri Balakrishna’s Lion which was earlier planned for May Day release missed out due to financial issues. The movie’s business will not be complete by then and so the makers have postponed their release. And now they have finalized every thing and the movie is all set for May 8th release. A press note regarding this will be sent to media very soon.
Lion comes after the super success of Legend and Balakrishna making political entry. But still Lion do not have proper buzz due to a new director at the helm. The theatrical trailer and music album of the film are also not able to make an impact on trade.
Trisha is romancing Balayya for the first time in this movie. Radhika Apte is playing the second heroine. A new comer Satyadeva is wielding megaphone for this project. Rudrapati Ramana Rao is producing the film under his SLV Cinema banner. Mani Sharma who gave several chart buster audios to Balayya in the past is composing the music for this film.