The Regional Censor Board in Hyderabad had watched the Special screening of Varun Tej’s Loafer and cleared it with U/A certificate. The movie did not suffer any cuts as the makers did not opt for U certificate. With this the film is all set for a grand release on 17th of this month.
The audio of the film was released recently and the makers are gearing up for the Triple Platinum disk event on 14th. They are yet to finalize the location and venue. Bollywood model Disha Patani is playing the female lead in the film and it marks her Telugu debut.
Puri Jagannadh is wielding megaphone for this film. Loafer was extensively shot in Jaisalmer and Goa. Ram Gopal Varma was so impressed with the movie that he cut a trailer on mother for the movie. The mother song in this movie penned by Suddhala Ashok Teja is the major highlight of the film’s album composed by Sunil Kashyap.