With Varun Tej’s ‘Loafer’ heroine Disha Patani made her debut in Telugu. As the film did not make an impression at the box office, Disha flew to Mumbai to chase Bollywood dreams. But more than her professional side, her personal side was always in headlines and it is about her relation with hero Tiger Shroff.
Disha and Tiger dated for nearly three years and now they have split. Reports coming Mumbai say that Disha and Tiger have parted ways due to personal differences. Friends of them say that they always had issues but they kept ignoring because they enjoyed each other’s company. But things are not go well from the past few months and in fact they got worst.
Nonetheless the ‘Baaghi 2’ couple never admitted or denied their relation on record and so they would not like to comment about their break-up openly. For now Disha and Tiger want to have their own space and would like to remain as friends, said the tinsel town circles.