AP CM N Chandrababu Naidu’s son and TDP general secretary Nara Lokesh managed to secure TDP ticket for his close friend Pradeep Chowdhary for GHMC elections. He was allotted ticket from Vengalrao Nagar division. Though BJP insisted on this seat as part of pre-poll alliance with TDP, Lokesh brought pressure on his father and ensured that it was allotted to his friend.
Pradeep Chowdhary attracted headlines when his name cropped in the sensational ‘cash-for-vote’ case following the arrest of TDP MLA A Revanth Reddy when he tried to bribe Telangana nominated MLC Stephenson to vote for TDP candidate in MLC elections.
The ACB which investigated the case on money transactions obtained call data and found that several calls were made from the mobile phone of Pradeep Chowdhary. ACB summoned Pradeep and interrogated him for several hours. The case is still pending.