Lokesh Kanagaraj who turned into a star director in Kollywood just with a few films has earned a huge fanbase. Movies like ‘Khaidi’, ‘Master’ and ‘Vikram’ showcase his potential and he created a separate universe named ‘Lokesh Cinematic Universe’ where his own film characters team up when needed. He is working on ‘Leo’ with Thalapathy Vijay now and it is also a part of LCU. The first single which arrived recently is getting millions of views. There are high expectations on this film which is expected to arrive by the end of this year.
Lokesh is one of the most sought-after directors in South India and his gangster action dramas are quite unique. A lot of Telugu stars are eager to work with him as well. There were a lot of reports about Ram Charan working with him in the next few years. There is also a talk of Mahesh Babu teaming up with Lokesh as well. During a recent interaction with media, Lokesh revealed an interesting update.
When asked about the prospect of working with Prabhas, Lokesh said, “My film with Prabhas will be the biggest one in both our careers. The scripting work will commence after LEO”. This is making the fans of Prabhas go wild as they have been dreading to see Prabhas in a mass role for a long time. All his recent outings turned out to be duds and they have pinned all hopes on ‘Salaar’.
With Lokesh saying that the script work will begin after he completes ‘Leo’, people are coming to a conclusion that Lokesh’s next is going to be with Prabhas. The official news regarding this project has not arrived yet.