Recently, Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy, very infamously said that no one would be able to pluck even a single hair out of his head, referencing the 2024 elections. He said that he can’t be defeated while he has the support of the people and God. This is not the first instance that the CM has made such a blasphemous statement in recent days, as he has been making many such statements for a few days now.
Responding to these comments, Telugu Desam Party National General Secretary, Nara Lokesh, suggested that Jagan get his head tonsured so that no one would indeed be able to pluck a single hair out of his head. Lokesh also said that no one would be willing to support a CM who pushed the state into an irreparable bankruptcy, the worst in the history of the country. He noted that the Jagan government has pushed the state back to a decade, due to which the state’s growth is seeing a downward trend, one that the next government would take decades, to repair and put on the right track.
On the other hand, Lokesh has been aggressively touring all the districts of the state and is also interacting with all the members of his party better than before. The TDP leader seems to be making all efforts to right his wrongs, which led to the tragic defeat of the TDP in the 2019 elections, in AP.