Congress senior leader and Rajya Sabha MP K.V. P Ramachandra Rao seems to be the lone ranger opposing AP Chief Minister and TDP Chief N. Chandrababu Naidu, following the party’s alliance with the grand-old party at the national level. Though TDP and Congress have not tied up in the state, they have been on friendly terms. But, KVP has always maintained his stand against Chandrababu.
In his attack on the TDP chief, KVP wrote an open letter alleging that Chandrababu Naidu is creating immense loss for the people of AP regarding the Polavaram Project. On one hand, for his political gains and selfish reasons, he made an alliance with the NDA government. Now, again, he walked out of it, without getting any promises fulfilled, he mentioned in the letter.
Additionally, he also said that Chandrababu’s governance has been a failure as none of the promises made in the AP Reorganisation Act, 2014 have been fulfilled by the Centre. Stating that Congress is committed to giving Special Category Status to Andhra Pradesh, he said that TDP’s change of stands depending on its convenience has been a big blow to the people of AP, who are feeling cheated duo to Chandrababu.
KVP’s comments have been surprising Congress leaders as most of them have stopped making anti-TDP statements after both the parties have struck an alliance at the national level. With KVP being known as the closest man to late CM of AP, Y.S. Rajasekhar Reddy, he is still the sole Congressman to be fighting against Naidu and keeping his rivalry alive.