Superstar Mahesh Babu’s next under the direction of Tamil Star director AR Murugadoss will begin its regular shoot from 29th of this month. Currently the Look Test is being conducted for the actor. Mahesh will be seen in a serious role in this film, the makers wanted everything to be perfect before going to the shoot.
Various costumes and different looks were tried on Mahesh. We already know that Kushi director SJ Suryah will be playing the baddie in the film and they said Nadiya will be playing his wife in the movie. Reliance Entertainments, the corporate film production house is in talks with the makers to bag all the rights of the film as a Package even before the shooting began.
We are said that they are on the verge of finalizing the deal and the official announcement will come up very soon. The film is the first bilingual film in the actor’s career and will be made simultaneously in Telugu and Tamil. Mahesh will himself dub for the Tamil version as well. Rakul Preet Singh will be romancing Mahesh in the film.