Exactly two days after his statement to topple TDP government in the truncated state of Andhra Pradesh, YS Jagan Mohan Reddy and his party are in a big storm. With senior leaders and MLAs Bhuma Nagi Reddy, Adi Narayana Reddy, Bhuma Akhila Priya, Jaleel Khan, MLC Narayan Reddy jumping into TDP and reports stating that many more likely to join the bandwagon, looks like Jagan is heading towards a major political crisis.
In a tit for tat, Mr Naidu-led TDP has launched a counter attack on Jagan’s YSR Congress. TDP is meticulously roping in leaders of YSRCP who have earlier expressed their wish to join TDP.
Blame it on Jagan for his unrealistic, over confident statements and day-light dreams to collapse the democratically elected government by people. Now this has annoyed TDP supremo Naidu who have been patiently waiting for right time to take on Jagan.
At last, Naidu shown his trademark and tactful politics to Jagan. The latest reports indicate that one need not wonder if TDP wipes out YSRCP in AP no time. Already, YSRCP is big zero in Telangana. TDP is apparently leaving no stone unturned to make weaken YSRCP in AP as well.
While it has its own merits and demerits, as there’s a lot of resistance within TDP as well, but Naidu’s card is working well as several YSRCP leaders who’re fed up with Jagan’s attitude are all set to cross the borders. Jagan is paying hefty price for his loose talk.