Currently, Ram Charan is working with legendary director Shankar on a pan-Indian film. The shooting is underway and there are a lot of top actors and elite technicians involved in it. It is going to be Charan’s 15th film and Dil Raju’s 50th project. After this, the ‘RRR’ hero will be joining hands with Buchi Babu Sana. But the team did not reveal the movie’s number which gives a hint that the star hero may take up another project before this.
Sukumar’s name is being heard as there are chances of the ‘Rangasthalam’ combo getting reunited. We don’t know if it is for ‘Pushpa 2’ or a new film but the rumours about them teaming up are going viral. During the interview with Film Companion, Rajamouli shared that ‘RRR – 2’ may be on cards since they got an amazing idea. It may take years before this project begins as Mahesh’s movie is in the middle.
Also, there is a strong talk about Charan teaming up with Kannada director Narthan. He made ‘Mafti’ in Kannada which was a huge blockbuster and the director narrated a story to Charan and it is expected to be the replacement of Gautham Tinnanuri’s film which was canceled.
After ‘RRR’, both Tarak and NTR are being very careful over their next projects. While NTR is yet to start his next with Koratala Siva, Charan has already started Shankar’s film but is confused over his next.