The entire country, including the two Telugu states, is going gaga over how the Bollywood star Salman Khan’s Eid release, Sultan, is wreaking havoc on box-offices all-over. Salman was seen as a powerful desi wrestler in the film.And later this year, yet another Bollywood’s top star Aamir Khan too will hit the screens with Dangal, a film on the life of famous Indian wrestler Mahavir Phogat. Aamir’s body transformation pictures have already set the expectations soaring on the film.
But move over Salmans and Aamirs as Tollywood will soon get its own wrestler in the form of the giant Rana Daggubati. Rana recently revealed that he is researching about the life and times of the famous Telugu wrestler Kodi Ramamurthy Naidu from Vizianagaram.
Rana expressed his wish to play the legendary wrestler on screen as he has been in awe of him ever since he learnt about him in his school books. “He was accorded the title of Kaliyuga Bheema by King George V. I would love to play him on screen,” Rana said.Kodi Ramamurthy Naidu is known for his heroics like breaking iron chains by flexing his chest and getting an elephant walk on him etc. Given Rana’s gigantic physique, no wonder he is the best man to play Kodi Ramamurthy Naidu in Tollywood.