Talented actor and Bigg Boss Telugu fame Sohel is getting ready for the release of ‘Lucky Lakshman’, which will hit the screens on December 30. The out-and-out family entertainer stars Mokksha as the female lead. Its pre-release event was hosted by producer Haritha Gogineni on Tuesday. Director AR Abhi’s father unveiled the big ticket during the event.
The event sought to begin a new trend in the industry by hosting the team of ‘Korameenu’, which will hit the screens on December 31. The two teams are supporting each other’s content-driven films. Anand Ravi and Kishori Dhatrik of ‘Korameenu’ were there as guests.
Hero Sohel said, “Telugu people are the reason for my success. My father is behind my success. I have only known cinema and charity all my life. My producer Haritha garu is releasing this film on her own. Director Abhi is talented. We believe in the power of content. This film is a family subject. Raja Ravindra, Devi Prasad and Shani have got impressive roles. The Telugu people are my biggest strength. It’s up to them to take our movie forward. They have always supported me. I hope their blessings stay with us this weekend. This December 30, our film will keep you in splits right from the first frame.”
Director Abhi said, “With passion, we can do anything. I feel fortunate to have been born to my father. He always corrects me wherever I am. The teaser, trailer and songs of ‘Lucky Lakshman’ have spoken for our film. You will leave the theatre will the feeling of having watched a nice film.
Producer Haritha Gogineni said “We are releasing it in theatres because the Telugu audience always lap up content films. Abhi has done a fine job with writing as well. Sohel is a nice person. He works really hard. He is a pack of human emotions. He is a pakka hero material.”
Heroine Mokksha said, ” I am not a Telugu girl. Tollywood is the top industry in the country. Sohel has been working hard for the past 10 years. Kudos to Telugu cinema, where I am making my acting debut.”
Devi Prasad said, “I thank the makers for this opportunity. The director loves his father a lot. I respect individuals who revere their parents. Their good heart gets reflected in their writing. There are many moving scenes in this movie. I hope the makers make loads of money.”