Telugu girl Maanasa Choudhary made her acting debut with the Tamil web series MOG. She entered into the Telugu film industry with the romantic drama Bubblegum. Directed by Ravikanth Perupu, this movie featured anchor Suma’s son Roshan Kanakala as the lead hero. Bubblegum brought a lot of fame to Maanasa and within no time, she became a heartthrob of the youth.
The film brought her a wide fan base on social media as well. Recently, she posted a few exquisite pictures from her latest photoshoot which was done in Ooty. Wearing a peach-coloured outfit, Manasa looks outstanding in these pictures. The sunrays shimmering on her skin made the pictures glow with beauty. Netizens are drooling over her beauty after seeing these photos and are showering their love with likes.
With her alluring beauty and cute looks, Maanasa may become the next big thing in Tollywood. Bubblegum was released on December 29. It is now gearing up for OTT release on Aha on February 9. Meanwhile, Maanasa Choudhary is being flooded with offers and she is yet to announce her new project.