The other day a Hindu Outfit hailing from Tamilnadu has warned Superstar Rajnikanth of taking up Tippu Sultan’s character in a probable biopic of the Muslim King. Because he’s said to be anti-Tamil. At the same time a Fatwa was issued against AR Rahman as he composed music for a film on Prophet Muhammad as it is said to be anti-Islamic. What’s this sounding like?
All these developments are worrying superstars if they could creatively take up any assignment that comes their way. Because a film is total creative point, but to release the film it’s becoming a political and community trouble. That’s where many heroes are worried.
To avoid all these issues, they have to avoid experimentation and then depend on routine content. Because if experimental content is put up, emotions and feelings get hurt. From caste to religion, region to country, people get hurt and stars face the brick bats.
If we are blackening, blinding and blasting ourselves with so many boundaries, perhaps a true creative output will never come out.