Maggi noodles, true to their advertisements are the love of India and it’s proving so through its sales on snapdeal. The India based e commerce giant snapdeal is having thriving sales of the Maggi Welcome Kit. Maggi hit back the Indian stores recently.
In June Nestle Maggi sales was terminated in India by food safety and standards Authority of India as they were unsafe and hazardous with excessive quantity of lead in it. This did disappoint the ardent Maggi lover. With the ban raised Maggi started its sales in 100 towns with 300 distributors and released Welcome kits on Snapdeal. 8 state still have the ban in place though.
The welcome Kit contains -12 packs of Maggi Masala Noodles, 2016 Maggi Calendar, Maggie Magnet, Maggi Post card and a Welcome back letter. The kit is priced at 144 rupees. Last week the first set of 60,000 kits were sold out in 5 minutes while today too all the kits were sold out in matter of minutes.