Mumbai: After Nestle on Monday re-launched its popular Maggi noodles in India on Snapdeal; the two-minute noodles was embraced yet again, as stocks were sold out in just a few minutes. Five months after they were banned for allegedly containing lead beyond permissible levels, the Swiss giants re-started sale of Maggi in India after partnering e-commerce platform snapdeal.
However, the ecommerce site has asked potential buyers to pre-register themselves ahead of a flash sale scheduled on November 12.
The concept of Flash sales or limited time sales is a widely used strategy by ecommerce websites to sell on-demand goods for a limited period of time. Snapdeal has opened up registrations today.After the ban, Nestle had faced a loss of approximately Rs 450 crores, which included the destruction of over 30,000 tonnes of noodles. Inadequate availability of stocks might be a reason why Snapdeal indicated that only limited stocks would be available.