Maggi to be Banned in India?


If reports are to be believed, popular ready-made snack Maggi might face ban in India. According to media reports, Maggi may soon lose its license in India as allegedly the snack is made with “overuse” of “Mono Sodium Glutamate” (MSG) and lead.

Lucknow Food Safety and Drug Administration apparently found that Maggi has high-levels of MSG beyond normal permissable limits. This is not all. Taking a big step, Lucknow Food Safety and Drug Administration has sent an application to the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) to cancel the licence for Maggi.

On testing few samples of Maggi in UP, Lucknow Food Safety and Drug Administration apparently found that Maggi noodles carry a high-level of MSG and lead in its noodles. While the permissible limit is a mere 0.01 parts per million (ppm) lead, startling revelations revealed that Maggi has 17 ppm of lead.

Meanwhile, Nestle, the manufacturer of Maggi, begged a different story altogether. Strongly denying the reports of Lucknow Food Safety and Drug Administration, Nestle claimed that Maggi has no added MSGs. Nestle is Swiss multinational food and beverage company with its headquarters located in Switzerland.

Nestle’s other products in India include KitKat, Munch, Milkybar, BarOne, Nescafe Sunrise, Nescafe Gold, Maggi Tomato sauce and several others.